Medium Voltage Capacitor Banks - Multi-Step
APS Elite Series Medium Voltage Capacitor Banks: Multi-Step
APS Elite Series Medium Voltage Multi-Step Capacitor Banks provide accurate control of power factor from light load conditions through heavy load conditions.
Banks feature a standardized design that is easily equipped with additional stages for future load growth. Banks come fully assembled and ready for interconnection. Equipment is fully compliant with the NEC, ANSI and IEEE standards.
* Voltages from 2.4kV through 46kV
* Reactive power ratings to 20,000 kVar in a single enclosure
* Short circuit ratings to 40kA
* Up to 15 Capacitor Steps in a single enclosure
* Integral air-disconnect switch or roll-out circuit breaker
* Integral protection and control system
APS Elite Series Medium Voltage Capacitor Banks not only improve power factor, significantly reducing energy bills, but remove reactive current from a power distribution system. This provides additional usable load capacity and improves efficiency of motors and equipment.
APS Elite Series metal-enclosed banks are completely self-contained units that come fully assembled, tested and ready for interconnection. Problems associated with errors during installation are eliminated. The self-supporting and weatherproof assemblies provide a protected, aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly package. All live parts are contained in a grounded, key-interlocked enclosure, reducing the risks and the associated liability of trespassers or untrained employee exposure to electrical hazards.
APS Elite Series Medium Voltage banks have a small footprint and may not need to be located within a fenced-in substation. Moreover, maintenance costs for APS Elite Series equipment are negligible compared to open rack equipment.
The construction and control features inherent in bank design make special equipment and highly trained personnel unnecessary. APS Elite Series power factor correction equipment in utility, industrial, institutional, and commercial applications improves system performance and efficiency. Significant cost savings are immediately realized.